Specifications Unit EHC22
Jaw type C D P S U
Working weight 1) kg 2166 2126 2233 2034 2350
Overall length 2) mm 2326 2291 2342 2175 2273
Overall width mm 1438 1368 1508 1083 1189
Max. Jaw opening mm 903 797 893 503 611
Cutter blade length mm 237 355 237 348 450
Required oil flow lpm 150-250 150-250 150-250 150-250 229
Max operating pressure bar 350 350 350 350 350
Crushing force (tip) tonnes 74 77 70 88 80
Applicable carrier weight tonnes 20-28 20-28 20-28 20-28 20-28
Satandard features
-Hyd. Slewing motor Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
-Speed-up valve Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard

1) Total weight including speed up and hydraulic rotation, but excluding mounding adaptor, hydaulic hoses, fitting and mounting pins

2) The maximun length excluding mouting adapter with jaws dully closes (or opend)

* Materials and specifications are subject to change without pior notice